Forestry Workshop: Maximizing Forest Health & Profitability
Join the Alliance for this FREE workshop! This will be an excellent opportunity for forest landowners to learn about enhancing management goals for longevity, land and watershed stewardship, and wildlife habitat.
Unmanaged forest properties can have negative impacts. Human influences have led to overcrowded forests with lower diversity and ecological benefits. Once in this altered state, forests need human influences to return to their historic level of productivity. Forestry practices, such as prescribed burning and timber thinning, can greatly improve overall forest health and generate income through timber sales and cost-share programs.
Our guest speaker, Michael Mitchell, is an Arkansas Registered Forester with Devereux & Associates LLC. Mr. Mitchell has decades of experience working with landowners and forest management in NW Arkansas. He will be leading a forest walk and talk where participants can ask questions and see real world examples of when and where forestry practices are needed, or not, and the logistics of getting practices implemented. Participants will also learn about the Regional Conservation Partnership Program (RCPP) program – a dedicated funding program for producers and forest landowners in the War Eagle watershed.