Speaker: Shelly Smith, H2Ozarks Program Manager
Please join us for a free online workshop hosted by the Alliance on Zoom to learn about septic program efforts in Northwest Arkansas. Septic systems treat residential wastewater and are most common in rural areas where access to centralized sewer systems is limited. While septic systems are generally minimally disruptive to the environment, systems that are inadequate or improperly maintained can become ineffective and lead to failures that pose risks to both public and environmental health.
H2Ozarks Septic Remediation Program aims to repair or replace failing septic systems and prevent potential pollutants from entering the groundwater and nearby surface waters. With funding from the Arkansas Natural Resource Division, H2Ozarks is able to help homeowners residing in the Beaver Reservoir Watershed with the cost of septic system replacement with a combination of grant and zero-interest loan funds. Important waterbodies in the Beaver Reservoir include Beaver Lake, the White River, and the Kings River, and the watershed covers parts of Benton, Washington, Madison, Carroll, Boone, Franklin, and Newton Counties. Additionally, a Septic Remediation Program will be available in the Buffalo River Watershed beginning September 1.
In this presentation, we will discuss septic failures – what they can look like, and ways we can correct them. We will discuss types of failures we have seen with projects and how our financial assistance program works. We will also cover the importance of proper septic maintenance and will have time for Q&A. Landowners and/or septic owners are encouraged to attend!
CLICK HERE to register
This event is sponsored by H2Ozarks and Beaver Water District.
For questions, please email info@beaverwatershedalliance.org or call 479-750-8007.