The 9th annual Winslow Arbor Day will take place on Saturday, March 1st. Everyone will be meeting at the train pavilion across from City Hall, 108 North Winslow Blvd. The event kicks off at 9:00 am with an Arbor Day proclamation from Mayor Jarnagan. Our program director, Larry Berry will be speaking about the importance of native trees. Then attendees will line up for tree seedlings. Skilled assistants will be available to help guide everyone in making their decisions.
The free native tree seedlings that will be available are: Shagbark Hickory, Hackberry, Shortleaf Pine, Ohio Buckeye, Serviceberry, PawPaw, Eastern Redbud, Flowering Dogwood, Red Mulberry, and Sandbar Willow.
The event is sponsored by the Winslow Tree Board and the City of Winslow. The Beaver Watershed Alliance is always happy to be a part of this event!