Middle Fork Low Water Crossing Improvement Project

Project: Hazel Valley – Middle Fork Stream Barrier Removal and Restoration

Timeframe: 7/15/2024 – 7/15/2026

Award: $126,500

Partners: USDA Forest Service – Joint Chiefs Program (funder), Beaver Watershed Alliance, Arkansas Game and Fish, US Fish and Wildlife Service – Fish Passage Program, Landowners

Statement of Need:

A low water crossing located on the upper Middle Fork – White River segment is the only aquatic barrier on this stream segment. The removal of this barrier will reconnect 507 miles of stream on the Middle Fork – White River. It is the only remaining significant barrier to fish passage on the main stem of the Middle Fork – White River.

The Forest Service and Beaver Watershed Alliance both have the need to manage clean, healthy streams. The stream crossing in question is causing a severe barrier to upstream fish migration. Because of this shared goal, this cooperative effort will fund mutually beneficial work that involves the replacement of the structure with a bridge that will provide fish passage, reduce site erosion and restore natural stream dynamics through the reach.

Project Summary:

Beaver Watershed Alliance will work in partnership with the Arkansas Game and Fish Commission, the Forest Service, the US Fish and Wildlife Service, and landowners to replace a 90′ low-water, vented ford crossing on the Middle Fork- White River with a bridge. The Arkansas Game and Fish Commission will assist in planning, and Beaver Watershed Alliance will be responsible for project management. The structure will allow full stream function at the site and unimpeded fish passage.

Expected Outcomes:

  • 90′ vented ford replaced with improved crossing
  • 507 miles of stream reconnected
  • Improved aquatic passage for 16 species of greatest need, like the autumn darter and Ozark shiner
  • Improved crossing for landowners – passable during high-water events
  • Riparian restoration
  • Improved water quality in the Middle Fork – White River segment

Thank you to the USDA Forest Service – Joint Chiefs Program (funder), Arkansas Game and Fish, US Fish and Wildlife Service – Fish Passage Program, and landowners for this opportunity for watershed improvement.